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Pyrope Standard Library

This is a list of functionality that import prp should produce.

Basic operations

All the LNAST node have an associated function matching name to simplify the creation of operations: plus, minus, mult, div, mod, ror...

let prp = import("prp")
cassert,2,3) == 6

Library code:

let plus = fun(...a:int)->(_:int) {
  var r = 0
  for e in a {
    r += e

Array/Tuple operators

Size of length

Sample use:

let x = (1,2,23)

cassert p.len(x) == 3

Library code:

let len = fun(x) { x.[size] }


Sample use:

let x = (1,2,3)

cassert{ i+1 }) == (2,3,4)

Library code:

let map = fun<T>(f:fun(a:T),...x:[]T) {
  return f(e) for e in x


Sample use:

cassert (1,2,3).filter(fun(i){ i!=2 }) == (1,3)

Library code:

let filter = fun<T>(f:fun(a:T)->(_:Bool),...x:[]T) {
  return e for e in x if not f(e)


Sample use:

cassrt (1,2,3).reduce( == 6

Library code:

let reduce = fun(op:fun<T>(a:T,b:T)->(_:T), ...x) {
  return x when x.[size] <= 1

  var res = x[0]
  for i in x[1..] {
    res = op(res, i)
  return res


It would be nice to have the same methods (and names) as the c++20 std::views adaptors so that it is easier for developers to get familiar. E.g: filter, transform, drop, join, split, reverse, common, counted...