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Hardware Design

Most language manuals/guides do not include a chapter on "what is programming?", but Pyrope is a hardware description language or HDL. This document is a guideline for hardware design for software designers. The idea is to be high level to explain the differences without going to syntactic details in different languages.

No Von Neumann

Most software programming languages are built to program Von Neumann CPUs. When dealing with single-threaded code, the programmer has a sequence of "commands" or "statements" specified in a programming language. The machine executes one of those statements after another. There are "control flow" instructions to select what is the following statement to execute.

Potentially more restricting, software languages have a central or distributed "memory" concept where program data resides. For single-threaded code, there tends to be a main unified memory.

Current CPUs follow a Von Neumann approach1. Languages designed to program CPUs have the same model to map existing hardware efficiently. Since the languages are Von Neumann, it is logical that CPUs also evolve to keep the same model and further improve the performance. Since CPUs and languages follow the same Von Neumann model, software designers' mindset assumes this same concept. This feedback loop has resulted in most languages, hardware, and developers evolving around this model.

Neither FPGAs nor ASICs is Von Neumann machines. There is no program counter to execute one statement after another, and there is no central memory. Those concepts could be built on top, and this is in fact what CPUs are about. CPUs are all about making efficient Von Neumann machines on top of FPGAs and/or ASICs given some power/area/performance constraints.

To design a CPU or any hardware without a Von Neumann model, the standard concepts that all languages use of main memory or single-threaded execution do not make much sense. The reason is that the cells available in hardware are always there. The result can be used or not, but it is always there.

At a high level, hardware designers decide the basic hardware constructs to include in the design (adders, logic gates...) and how to connect them. Those hardware blocks will be there all the time, and the connection is fixed too. In contrast, a software designer needs to build efficient programs for one or more Von Neumann CPUs.

Optimization knobs

Programming hardware and software are all about solving a problem to meet some performance/power/cost constraints using the available resources. The difference is that the resources in hardware and software are not the same. In software, there are instructions; in hardware, there are cells2. This results in different optimization knobs.

Designing an efficient software program is all about deciding the sequence of instructions to be small and fast. The computer architecture Iron's law summarizes it well. The performance is "Instruction Count" x "Instructions Per Cycle" x "Frequency". Since software programmers do not tend to consider the frequency, it is all about executing fewer instructions and doing each instruction as fast as possible. The software designer has to create a sequence of instructions to solve a problem. Those instructions could use resources like memory.

Instead of instructions, most hardware designers have hardware blocks or cells like adders, multiplexors, flops, SRAMs... There are no central resources like memory, and they have to consider frequency.

Like a software designer, the hardware designer needs to solve a problem. Still, instead of selecting a sequence of instructions, the designer selects the cells or hardware blocks and their interconnection. The designer divides problems into smaller pipeline stages to have a high frequency. A design with small cells that can achieve the desired frequency is an exemplary hardware design3. So it is all about instantiating blocks and connecting them.

In hardware, there are two big categories of blocks: Combinational and Sequential. Combinational do not have a clock and perform operations like adding, and, xor... Sequential has a clock. The clock is used to remember a value. Hence the output of a sequential block retains or memoizes the value of previous cycles while combinational blocks have no memory or clock concept.

The hardware blocks are physical devices that need time to generate a valid output given a change in their inputs. When combinational blocks are connected, their maximum speed or frequency can be decided by finding the slowest path in the combinational blocks connected. This means that sequential blocks should separate combinational blocks to achieve higher frequency. This is called pipelining. There are overheads of adding more sequential blocks, and the hardware designer needs to find the correct balance given a set of constraints like area/frequency/power.

A significant effort in hardware design goes to pipelining. Not only to find the correct spot separating combinational blocks but because the sequential block adds a concept of "state" or memory. Starting from a working combination lock and randomly adding some "sequential" blocks is highly likely to generate an incorrect result. Pipelining adds the conceptual problem that adding sequential blocks changes the semantics and that ALL the combinational blocks should have more or less the same frequency. Otherwise, the pipeline design is unbalanced4, and the slowest pipeline decides the overall frequency.

The pipelining optimization concept is very different from software optimization. In software, designers care about the average. If a function is slow and its execution requires half of the execution time, reducing by half should have a 25% performance improvement. The designer does not need to improve very infrequently used functions. In hardware, designers care about the worst case. If a pipeline stage is slow, improving it will result in a frequency improvement if it was the slowest. The benefit will be just the difference with the next slower pipeline stage, not optimizing the pipeline itself.

The result is that hardware and software designers need to worry about different constraints like pipelining. Combined with the fact that hardware optimizations need to care about the worst case, not average, it is common for hardware designers to say that designing hardware is hard.


Hardware designers also use programming languages to specify their FPGA/ASIC design. In the past, designers "drew" the transistor/cells/gates and had a more visual layout to see/place where each combination and the sequential block was located. Although it is possible to do a design in such a way, it is not as productive as using some hardware design language.

There are many popular software languages like C++, Java, Rust, swift... There are also several hardware design languages, but they tend to fall into two categories: HLS (High-Level Synthesis) or HDLs (Hardware Description Languages). HLS can be languages like a subset of C or Rust. The HDLs are languages like Verilog, CHISEL, or Pyrope.

In a nutshell, HLS tries to leverage the larger Von Neumann community (languages and humans that know to program Von Neumann) and use compilers to transform to efficient hardware mappings that are not Von Neumann.

HLS has to deal with constructs like loops and central memory. The typical solution for loops is to use heuristics and/or directives to split the loops into different pipeline stages. The standard solution for global memory is not to use it or put compiler directives to guide them. Other constructs like memory allocation and recursion are also avoided in HLS. When a C program is translated to hardware, if it has pointers and uses memory, it needs directives to indicate where the memory resides and mark potential overlap or pointer aliasing between pointers. Otherwise, the generated translation is likely to be inefficient.

HDLs (Hardware Description Languages) do not have a Von Neumann model. The currently most popular HDL (Verilog) is a data flow language that does not have a global program counter like Von Neumann languages. Instead, the programmer specifies a hierarchy of modules5. In Verilog, the execution of each module has a complicated set of options, but from a high-level point of view, a group of statements is executed in each module. The module executes forever because it is a set of gates instantiated in the hardware design.

Hardware artifacts

This section goes over several of the leading hardware artifacts that tend to be exist in most HDLs independent of the syntax.

Instantiation vs execution

Hardware designers decide the gates are instantiated6 in the design, while software designers focus on executing the instructions. If a set of gates is rarely used, the hardware still has to instantiate them, and their performance area impact is independent of the usage frequency. In software, a set of seldom executed instructions have no performance impact. This is not the case in hardware. As such, languages build around "instantiation" more than traditional instruction execution.

Instantiation means that the designer explicitly indicates the gates or circuits mapped to hardware. In the vast majority of HDLs (Verilog, CHISEl, pyRTL, VHDL...), the designer specifies a top-level module. Each module can have a set of gates and more instantiated sub-modules.

In "software," languages have a "main" or starting execution point. The "main" executes or calls several functions depending on the data. Functions can iterate in loops, and the program finishes execution when the main finishes.

In contrast, most HDLs differ from software languages in that they specify an instantiation tree hierarchy of modules, and then provide some syntax on how each module executes independently of the other modules.

In HDLs, the execution never ends, and the modules run independently. It resembles a bit of an actor model. An actor is a module with individual execution, but there are many differences like the tree structure of instantiations and the incapacity to spawn new actors. Although it is possible to build an HLS around the actor model without spawning capability, popular HDLs do not.

In most HDLs, the instantiated tree hierarchy is fixed. This makes sense from a hardware point of view7, but this means that a module can not be called inside a control flow statement. A common mistake from designers learning HDLs is to call a module conditionally. E.g., this code sequence is not what a software programmer may expect:

var result = 0
if some_opcode {
  result = do_division(a,b)
  result = do_multiplication(a,b)
var result = 0
var result1 = do_division(a,b)
var result2 = do_multiplication(a,b)
if some_opcode {
  result = result1
  result = result2

A software programmer thinks about executing instructions. The previous syntax looks like execute or call do_division when some_opcode is true, but it is impossible to do in most HDLs because they are centered around instantiation, not execution. For synthesizable code, none of the most popular HDLs like Verilog, VHDL, CHISEL, pyRTL allow the instantiation of a module in a conditional. Some like Verilog have functions but those are inlined. When called, they can be seen as a macro preprocessor that inserts the function statements.

HDLs force the designer to spicy the instantiation unconditionally, and then the if selects between the instantiations. Even though HDLs look like they execute instructions, they do not; it is all about cell instantiation and how to connect those instances. The if is not a branch instruction, it is a multiplexor instantiation. The do_division is not a function call; it instantiates a circuit or module.


Function calls inside control flow statements are either not allowed or forced to be inlined.


HDLs look like instruction execution, but they are about circuit instantiation.


Pipelining is adding registers in combinational circuits to create smaller critical paths and hence higher frequency designs. It is essential to hardware design, and there is not much related to it in software design flows.

To illustrate the problem, imagine a pipelined multiplier function (mult) that takes one cycle to produce the results, and the programmer has an assertion checking that it was a multiply. The result c is not the current cycle a*b but the last cycle a multiplied by the last cycle b. This is not what would be expected in a software API.

var c = mul(a,b)
assert c == a * b // assert fails!!
var c = mul(a,b)
assert c == a#[-1] * b#[-1] // read last cycle #[-1] a and b

If actors execution resembles concurrent module instantiation execution, async/await resembles pipelining. In async/await, the results of a function are not available at the function return. In HDLs, there is no await, and the results from previous cycles are output by the module instance.

Pipelining is not restricted to just function or module instantiations. A the module itself can have a set of registers, and different variables/wires have the results from different cycles. It is up to the designer to manage it, and it is one of the primary complexity sources of hardware design and verification.


Different variables or wires can have results from other cycles due to pipelining.

Simulation vs synthesis

Hardware designs tend to have extensive verification infrastructures. The reason is that once the chip is fabricated, it can not be easily be patched like software. It may need to trash millions of dollars and take months to get the next chip, even for just a line of code patch. This is not different from software; it is just that the cost of a bug could be potentially much higher.

The difference from software is that the "simulation" results used for verification may be different from the hardware results generated during "synthesis".

A mismatch between synthesis and simulation could happen due to script directives in the synthesis scripts, or due to use language features that only affect simulation.

initial begin // initial code may not be used in synthesis
   c = 3;

#3 d = 4; // delay simulation update, not synthesis update
case (x)  // synthesis: full_case, parallel_case
// Do allow simulation code to have side-effects on synthesis code
// directives affect simulation AND synthesis (not one or the other)

unique case(x) // do not use synthesis only directives


Simulation and synthesis results can have different functionality


Programmers are used to initializing their variables. Since the modules are called every cycle, the typical software syntax for initialization does not work. To make it worse, some languages like Verilog (and others) have two initializations: reset and simulation setup.

Some differences between reset and software initialization:

  • Reset can take many cycles
  • Reset can be called many times
  • Reset vs. variable initialization in some languages (Verilog)
initial begin
   d = 1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset) begin
     d = 2;
// Just use the reset flop values to initialize contents

always @(posedge clk) begin
   if (reset) begin
     d = 2;


Reset is different from variable initialization

Non-blocking assignments

Many HDLs have what hardware designers call "non-blocking assignments". The idea is that in hardware, when assigning a variable, the designer could think about the "result at the end of this cycle" rather than "update this mutable variable".

Technically, a nonblocking assignment is an assignment to a variable, but the variable will be updated only at the end of the cycle. To illustrate the concept, imagine a counter. The counter can be updated with a non-blocking assignment and following statements could still read the value before the scheduled update.

counter <- counter + 1  // non-blocking assignment
tmp     <- counter + 2  // non-blocking assignment
assert tmp == (counter+1) // this may FAIL!
// Do not use non-blocking
counter = counter + 1  // blocking assignment
tmp     = counter + 2  // blocking assignment
assert tmp == (counter+1) // this never fails


Some HDLs support non-blocking assignments which are not found in software.

Invalid code

HDLs can generate invalid code that can not be fabricated, or it is strongly recommended not to be fabricated. Examples are:

  • Combinational loops. Creating a loop with combinational logic is generally considered a bug (only a few circuits could accept this). If the combinational loop is inside a mux, it can be difficult to catch during verification unless a good toggle coverage results.

  • Implicit latches. Some HDLs like Verilog can generate code with implicit latches. Since the module is executed each time, variables with a missing initialization can remember results from the last cycles generating implicit latches. Most ASIC tools do not accept this, and it is considered a bug.

  • Bogus flow. Any compile (software or hardware) can have bugs, but because hardware compilers tend to have a smaller user base; they have more bugs than typical software compilers. Since this cost of fixing a bug is also higher, the solution is to have an additional verification or logical equivalence test.

If the compile generates an executable in software flows, it is considered a valid executable unless invalid assembly directives are used. In most HDLs, this is not the case due to constructs like combinational loops.


HDLs can generate invalid synthesis and/or simulation code.

Multi value logic

Software designers are used to binary numbers with 0s and 1s. In many HDLs, there are more than two possible states for each bit. In languages like Verilog, there are four states: 0, 1, ? or z. Where ? is a "quantum" like state indicating that it is both zero and one simultaneously, and the z indicates that it is in high impedance, which means that nobody is writing the value. Some languages like VHDL have even more states.

The challenge is that when running code, the result may be unexpected. There are many discussions on addressing what the community calls "x-propagation." There is no agreement on the best solution. The reason for not removing ? is that some large structures will not be initialized because of overheads. Although widely considered dangerous, some engineers like the ? to allow more freedom to the synthesis tools8

There are three leading solutions categories:

  • Allow ? and run many simulations with different x-propagation rules.
  • Allow ? and randomly pick 0/1 for each ? bit at simulation time.
  • Do not allow ?.
x = 0b?   // a ? state
if x {
   puts "x is never true"
reg signed [3:0] a = -1;
$display("%b\n", a[5:1]); // displays xx111
// there is no agreement on the community, but possible solutions:
x = 0b? // (1): compile error
if x {  // (2): randomly pick 1 or 0
reg signed [3:0] a = -1;
$display("%b\n", a[5:1]); // displays 11111 (sign extend)


HDLs can operate over non-binary logic

Simpler HDL constructs

Not everything is more challenging in HDLs when compared with software programming languages. These are some differences that can make the HDLs simpler:

Unlimited precision

High-performance software must adjust to the hardware, and as such, there are several integer types (int, short, long). The result is that the programmer tends to be careful with overflows and type conversion. This is not a problem in hardware. If a 113 bits adder is needed, it can be synthesized. If only a 7 bits adder is required; the synthesis can create the smaller adder too.

Some HLS may have different integer sizes, but it is either a "strange" design the decision or just as a type check so that no unnecessary hardware is generated.

Overflow is a source of many subtle bugs. For example, experience programmers write a + (b-a))/2 not the expected (a+b)/2 because of integer overflow semantics. HDLs can handle this like unlimited precision scripting languages without the overhead.

No pointers

Memory and pointer management is big issue in most languages. Either garbage collection, manual, or alternative approaches. Since there is no global memory, there is no memory to manage. Maybe even more important, there is no need for pointers. This avoids another set of problems like null dereferencing.

No destructors

Since there is no global memory, there is no need to have garbage collection or the associated object destruction. If a "hardware resource" is utilized, it can not be recycled. As a result, the destructor may not make sense in hardware.

Pass by value

Most software languages support passing function arguments either by value or reference. This is done to avoid copying the object that may reside in memory. Again, HLS has no memory. Therefore it is not as problematic.

Most HDLs only support passing by value. This is not a drawback but avoid another source of bugs without the cost overhead that it will represent in a Vonn Neumann machine.

No recursion

Most HDLs support recursion at compile-time but not at runtime. The reason is that there is no "stack memory". If the depth is bound, it can support run-time recursion, but the potentially sizeable combinational path would be "strange". Only manageable with retiming. As a result, most HDLs do not support runtime recursion.

  1. Multi-threaded CPUs are just an array of Von Neumann machines. 

  2. In this document, we call any logic gate, flop, or memory array. 

  3. There are other constraints like power, but the same idea/problem could be said for software design. 

  4. Unbalance pipelines have higher overheads in power/area. 

  5. Verilog modules could be seen as functions in a software language that can be instantiated in one or more places. The instantiation point sets a hierarchy of modules. 

  6. Instantiation is the process of deciding which gates are fabricated or mapped in a given hardware design. In an ASIC, it is the process of selecting a set of gates that will be manufactured. 

  7. Transistors can not be added at runtime. 

  8. This is very controversial, and many companies coding styles do not allow the use of ? to improve synthesis results.