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Deprecated or Future

Pyrope has been in internal development for many years, those are some features tried and deprecated or removed until a better solution is found.

step options

The step command breaks the execution of the function in the statements before and after the step. In the next cycle, the statements after the step are executed. The issue was that the step could be placed inside complicated nests of 'if' and 'for' loops. This results in a difficult code to get right.

The plan is to add something like this feature in the future, once a cleaner implementation is designed.

Fluid pipelines

The plan is to re-add the fluid pipelines syntax, but all the other features must be added first.

Bundle index with bundles

Bundles do not allow an index with another bundle unless it is a trivial bundle (one element). To illustrate the current constraints:

type Person = (name:string, age:u32)
var a = (one:Person, two:Person)

x = ('one', 'two')
a[x].age = 10
let Person = (name:string=_, age:u32=_)
var a = (one:Person, two:Person)

x = 'one'
y = 'two'
a[x].age = 10
a[y].age = 10

In the future, it may be allowed but some options may not be allowed. For example, if the index bundle is not unordered, the result of the assignment may not be easy to predict by the programmer.

async/await and coroutines

In non-hardware languages, there are several constructs to handle asynchronicity. Asynchronicity is not to leverage parallelism for speedup but software constructs to handle long latency operations. The most popular models/techniques are async/await, coroutines, and actors.

In a way, pipelining could be expressed with similar constructs. This has the advantage of having a larger community (software) to understand/program hardware more easily.

To illustrate the point, suppose a telescoping subtract-like unit that provides a response of the operation in 1 or 2 cycles depending on the value of the input. If the b input is 0, the result is a+1. Otherwise, the result is a-b+1. The first finishes in 1 cycle, the second in 2 cycles. This seemly easy idea is not so easy to implement because it needs to handle 2 flops and there could be a structural hazard on the flop if the previous cycle was scheduled for 2 cycles and the current for 1 cycle.

This example explicitly manages the valid output signals.

let telescope_unit = fun(a:u32,b:u32,start:bool) -> (res:u32) {

  reg result_done = 0
  reg result_flop = 0

  if result_done {
    res = result_flop

  reg int_done = _
  reg int_flop = _
  reg int_b = _

  if int_done {  // pending work (2 cycle op, can not telescope)
    result_flop = int_flop-int_b
    result_done = int_done
    int_flop = a+1
    int_b    = b
    int_done = start
  }else{          // no pending work from before (telescoping is allowed)
    if b == 0 {
      result_flop = a+1
      result_done = start
      result_flop = int_flop-int_b
      int_flop = a+1
      int_b    = b
      int_done = start

In a simple telescoping use case, the puts command will be called 1 or 2 cycles after the telescope_unit starts. For the designer, this is quite difficult to handle. How many flops to add to remember the starting point for a and b.

 let res1 =#[1,2] telescope_unit(a,b,start)

 if res1? {
   puts "{}-{}+1 is {}", a, b, res1.res  // incorrect reference to a

To address the issue that the telescope_unit can have multiple cycles to complete, a yield directive can behave like co-routines. Effectively, remembering the live-ins and continue executing when the condition is satisfied.

 let res1 =#[1,2] telescope_unit(a,b,start)

 yield res1? // wait for condition to happen
 assert res1?

 // code executed 1 or 2 cycles after telescope_unit is called
 puts "{}-{}+1 is {}", a, b, res1.res

An alternative implementation is using the #>identifier[lat=cycles] keyword. The disadvantage is that two operations could finish on the same cycle, and the circuits are not as efficient.

// implicit start/end (starts when called)
let telescope_unit3 = fun(a:u32,b:u32) -> (_:u32) {

    let tmp = a+1
  } #>one_pipe[lat=1] {
    if b == 0 {
      return tmp
    let tmp2 = tmp-b
  } #> {
    return tmp2

The code sample for explicitly managed step function usage:

 let res2 =#[1,2] telescope_unit3(a,b,start)

 if res2? { // code executed 1 or 2 cycles after telescope_unit is called
   puts "{}-{}+1 is {}", a, b, res2

The code sample for implicitly managed step function usage:

 async res3 =#[1,2] telescope_unit3(a,b) when start

 await res3 {
   // a and b could have the correct results due to the async/await
   puts "{}-{}+1 is {}", a, b, res3.res

Extensible enums

Once an enum is created, it can not be modified. There is no reason not to support compile time addition/removal from an enum. Languages with union types could behave like extending an enum, but not reducing it. Some potential API for Pyrope

Using the set operations:

enum Order = (One, Two, Three)
enum Order2 = (...Order, Four)
enum Order2 = Order ++ Four       // error on overlap?
enum Order3 = Order except Three  // new "remove" tuple op

Overloading the logical operations is another option, but breaks the rule of lack of overloading in ops:

enum Order2 = Order or (Four)
enum Order3 = Order and not (Three)

Using the trait syntax creates some confusion on the meaning, but an option is to have custom keywords for enum:

enum Order2 = Order with (Four)
enum Order3 = Order except Three

Once we support adding/removing to enums, operations like this would make sense:

match x:Order {
  in Order2      { puts "1 or 2" }
  == Order.Three { puts "3"      }



The repipe statement was deprecated because the pipestage could achieve similar results more cleanly in most of the cases that it was tried. Also, repipe would have required a custom lgraph pass to balance pipeline stages.

The repipe statement tries to balance the number of pipeline stages by inserting registers. If it can not guarantee the same pipeline depth, a compile error is generated. If there is any feedback loop, likely, the pipeline can not be rebalanced with repipe.

The syntax for repipe is repipe res = (list of variables). The result is a tuple with as many fields as the list of input variables but with enough flops so that the pipeline is balanced from the list of variables and the function inputs.

Liam constructs

In most HDLs loops have to be compile time unrolled, in an earlier version of Pyrope1 allowed for extra keywords to create an actor model and create state machines where each loop iteration will be executed in a cycle.

while some_condition {

  step   // next cycle starts here

Fluid constructs:

  • variable? check if variable valid bit is set
  • variable! check if variable has a fluid backpressure
  • keep do not consume variable on use
  • step stop the cycle here, continue next cycle after the yield statement

  1. Liam: An Actor Based Programming Model for HDLs, Haven Skinner, Rafael T. Possignolo, and Jose Renau. 15th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE), October 2017.