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Structural Typing

Pyrope uses structural typing somewhat simular to other languages like Typescript, but there are some difference simplifications like not references, everything is passed by value, no union types.

Type check

The x does y checks that x does the same as y and maybe more. It type system syntax means that x is a subtype of y, or that y is a supertype x.

Using the typical Animal, Dog, Greyhound set of tuples, Dog does Animal and Greyhound does Dog, but not (Animal does Dog).

Dealing with tuple assignments y = x, a compile error is generated unless the type system satisfies y does x or an explicit type conversion is provided. The basic behavior of does is explained in (Type equivalance)[].

let Animal = (
  ,legs:int = _
  ,name= "unnamed"
  ,say_name = fun() { puts name }

let Dog = Animal ++ (
  ,setter = proc(ref self) { self.legs = 4 }
  ,bark = fun() { puts "bark bark" }

let Bird = Animal ++ (
  ,seeds_eaten:int = _

  ,setter = proc(ref self)  { self.legs = 2 }
      ++ proc(ref self, a:Animal)    { self.legs = 2 ; name = "bird animal" }
  ,eat_seeds = proc(ref self, n) { self.seeds_eaten += n }

let Greyhound = Dog ++ ( // also extends Dog
  ,race = fun() { puts "running fast" }
var a:Animal = _
var b:Bird = _
var d:Dog = _

d = a // compile error, 'a does d' is false
b = a // OK, explicit setter in Bird for Animal

a = d // OK, 'd does a' is true
a = b // OK, 'Bird does Animal' is true

When the x in x = y is an integer basic type, there is an additional check to guarantee that no precision is lost. Otherwise, an explicit wrap or drop directive must be used.


The same rules of assignments exists for arrays. In Pyrope, arrays can be mutable, but they can never be passed by reference. This means that the typical issue of mutable containers can not exists.

var a_vec:[]Animal = _
var b_vec:[]Bird = _
var d_vec:[]Dog = _

a_vec[0] = d:Dog    // OK
a_vec[1] = b:Bird   // OK

d_vec[0] = d:Dog        // OK  'd does d'
d_vec[0] = g:Greyhound  // OK  'g does d'
d_vec[0] = b:Bird       // Compile error
d_vec[0] = a:Animal     // Compile error

b_vec[0] = d:Dog        // OK, explicit conversion
b_vec[0] = g:Greyhound  // OK, explicit conversion
b_vec[0] = b:Bird       // OK, 'b does b'
b_vec[0] = a:Animal     // OK, explicit conversion

let do_animal_vec = fun(a_vec:[]Animal)->(r:[]Animal) {
  r = a_vec
  r[0] = d:Dog  // OK `d does r[0]`

var x = do_animal_vec(b_vec:[]Bird) // OK
assert x does _:[]Animal  // not :[]Bird

Basic types

One of the complains about structural type system is that two types with exactly the same tuple fields have the same type. In Pyrope, the field name should match. Since every element is a type of one, read/writing a named tuple of one does not need the field, and hence it allows to create different types:

let Age = (
  ,age:int = _
let Weight = (
  ,weight:int = _

assert Age !does Weight

var a:Age = 3
assert a == a.age == a.0 == 3

var w:Weight = 100

let err = a == w // compile error, not (a equals w) or overload


A way to classify a language is to look at the generics and lambda calls. Languages can have type constraints or type classes. Type classes (Hakell, Rust, Swift) specify the "consent" of argumetns or return types allowed for lambda or generic. Type constrains (C++, typescript, Pyrope) constraints the arguments or return types allowed. Pyrope follows a type constraint approach.

The following f method has no constraints on the input arguments. It can pass anything, but constraints the return value to be an integer.

let f = fun(a,b) -> (r:int) { r = xx(a) + xx(b) }

The type can be inferred for arguments and return values. If the lambda definition has no type constraints. A "different" implementation lambda exist for each combination of inferred types. It behaves like if the the lambda were inlined in the caller.

The constraints can be different per type, or use a more familiar generic syntax. The f1 example constraints a and b arguments to have a type that satisfies (a does Some_type_class) and (b does Some_type_class).

let f1 = fun<T:Some_type_class>(a:T,b:T) -> (r:int) { r = xx(a) + xx(b) }

While performing assignments checks that the left-hand-side tuple fields are fully populated (x=y) by checking that y does x. The same check happens for the lambda calls, but the check is performed when a lambda is passed as an argument.

For each lambda call (ret_val = f(a1,a2)), the type system check against the defined lambda (f = fun(ad1:ad1_t, ad2)->(rd1:rd1_t, rd2)). In this case, the check for the calling arguments ((a1,a2) does (:ad1_t, :())) should be satisfied. Notice that some of the inputs (ad2) have no defined type, so those unspecified arguments always satisfies by the type check.

The return tuple is also used in the type system (ret_val does (:rd1_t, :())), the check is the same as in an assignment (lhs does rhs). In overloading cases explained later, the return type could also be part of the overloading check.

let fa_t:fun(a:Animal)->() = _
let fd_t:fun(d:Dog)->() = _

let call_animal = fun(a:Animal)->() {
   puts // OK
let call_dog:fd_t = fun(d:Dog)->() {    // OK to add type in lhs
   d.bark()    // OK

let f_a = fun(fa:fa_t) { 
  var a:Animal = _
  var d:Dog = _
  fa(a)  // OK
  fa(d)  // OK, `d does Animal` is true
f_a(call_animal) // OK
f_a(call_dog)    // compile error, `fa_t does call_dog` is false

let f_d = fun(fd:fd_t) { 
  var a:Animal = _
  var d:Dog = _
  fd(a)  // compile error, `a does Dog` is false
  fd(d)  // OK
f_d(call_animal) // OK, `fd_t does call_animal` is true
f_d(call_dog)    // OK

In tuple comparisons, does and ==, the tuple field position is not used when both tuples are fully named. If tuple field is unnamed, both existing names and positions should match in the comparison. For fully named tuples, when all the fields have names, (a=1,b=2) does (b=2,a=1) is true.

The same rule also applies to lambda calls. If all the arguments are named, the relative call argument position is independent. If an argument is an expression or unnamed, the position is important.

A special case is the in-place operator (...) during lambda definition. Even for fully named tuples, the position is used. One one in-place operator is allowed per lambda definition (a,b,...x,c), the does operator uses name and position like in unnamed tuples even if all the fields are named. First, it matches the position and names provided, and then checks the rest to the in-place with the relative order left.

let m = fun(a:int,...x:(_:string,c:int,d), y:int)->() { 
  assert a == 1
  assert x.0 == "here"
  assert x.1 == 2 == x.c
  assert y == 3
  if d does int { // inferred type
    assert d == 33
    assert d == "x"

m(1,"here",2,"x",3)         // OK
m(a=1,"here",2,"x",3)       // OK
m(a=1,"here",c=2,"x",3)     // OK
m(a=1,"here",c=2,33,y=3)    // OK

m("1","here",2,33,3)       // compile error, a:int
m("1","here",2,3)          // compile error, x has 3 fields

For all the checks that are not function reference or in-place, the x does y check could be summarized as x is a superset of y. x has all the functionality of y and maybe more. In a more formal compiler nomenclature x does y applied to tuples is called a covariant relationship. It is covariant because adding the same extra fields to both x and y keeps the semantics (((foo=3,...x) does (foo=3,...y)) == x does y). This allows to extend the tuple semantics and the relationship is preserved.

When x and y are in a lambda passed as reference to another lambda (lambda reference), the relationship is not covariant but contravariant. Dog does Animal is true, but :fun(x:Dog)->() does _:fun(x:Animal)->() is false. The reason is shown in the previous example. The fun(fd:fd_t) can be called with call_animal because the fields accessed by call_animal are only a subset of Dog and hence if called inside f_d it can handle the Dog type. The opposite is not the case.

:fun(x1)->(x2) does _:fun(y1)->y2 check is equivalent to (y1 does x1) and (x2 does y2).

Given a lambda passed as argument (:fun(x:fun(c:c_t)->(d:d_t))->(y)), the check when passing the lambda as argument to x a function like fun(w:w_t)->(z:z_t). In this case, the :fun(:w_t)->(_:z_t) does fun(:c_t)->(_:d_t) is a contravariant test for inputs and covariant for outputs. This makes it equivalent to (_:c_t does _:w_t) and (_:z_t does _:d_t).

If the same type is used as input and output is an equivalence check (((a does b) and (b does a)) == (a equals b)). In programming languages this is called an invariance or bivariance.

Pyrope uses the typical check in modern languages where the function arguments are contravariant and the return type is covariant. In Pyrope, the return type is checked in the covariant and contravariant checks.

Lambda overloading

Pyrope does not have global scope for defined lambdas. Instead, all the lambda must reside in a local variable or must be "imported". Nevertheless, a local variable can have multiple lambdas. It is similar to Odin's "explicit procedure overloading". This section explains how is the overloading selection in this case.

By overloading, this section refers to typical ad-hoc polymorphism where the same function/procedure name can have different functionality for different types.

For Pyrope overloading, lambdas are typically added at the end ++= of the tuple. This means that it is NOT overwriting an existing functionality, but providing a new call capability.

There is a priority of overloading in the tuple order. If the intention is to intercept, the lambda must be added at the head of the tuple entry.

let base = (
  ,fun1 = fun() { 1 }         // catch all
  ,fun2 = fun() { 2 }         // catch all
  ,fun3 = fun() { 3 }         // catch all
let ext = base ++ (
  ,fun1 =   fun (a,b){ 4 }  // overwrite allowed with extends
  ,fun2 ++= fun (a,b){ 5 }  // append
  ,fun2 ++= fun ()   { 6 }  // append
  ,fun3 =   fun(a,b) { 7 } ++ base.fun3 // prepend
  ,fun3 =   fun()    { 8 } ++ base.fun3 // prepend

var t:ext = _

// t.fun1 only has ext.fun1
assert t.fun1(a=1,b=2) == 4
t.fun1()                 // compile error, no option without arguments

// t.fun2 has base.fun2 and then ext.fun2
assert t.fun2(1,2) == 5  // EXACT match of arguments has higher priority
assert t.fun2() == 2     // base.fun2 catches all ahead of ext.fun2

// t.fun3 has ext.fun3 and then base.fun3
assert t.fun3(1,2) == 7  // EXACT match of arguments has higher priority
assert t.fun3() == 8     // ext.fun3 catches all ahead of ext.fun3

A more traditional "overload" calling the is possible by calling the lambda directly:

let x = base ++ (
  ,fun1 = fun() { return base.fun1() + 100 }

To allow overloading the base lambda as var. By concatenating lambdas to a variable, we effectively create an unnamed tuple with multiple entries. Since all the variables are tuples of size one too, the following rules apply to any lambda call:

  • Given a lambda call f(a:a_t)->(_:r_t) with defined call and return types. Iterate and pick all the lambda definitions f(x)->(y) that satisfy x does a_t and y does r_t using the previously explained lambda checks.

  • If the r_t is unknown at call time, use only the call arguments x does a_t. Check that all the matching lambdas have the same defined return type. Otherwise a compile error is generated indicating that the type can not be infered.

  • If the list is empty, generate a compile error (no possible lambda to call).

  • Once a list of ordered modules is found, evaluate the where COND. COND can include inputs, self, and outputs. If a COND is comptime true (no COND is the same as true), stop selecting additional modules. If COND is comptime false remove from the list and continue. All the selected modules will be executed, but the output will be selected based on priority order based on the COND result at runtime.

  • If the list has more than one entry, and any of them is a proc, generate a compile error. Dynamic dispatch only works with functions fun.

If the where COND is not compile time there must be a where true condition to catch the default behavior.

The previous rules imply that Pyrope has some type of dynamic dispatch. The types for the inputs and outputs must be known at compile time (static dispatch) but the where condition may be known at run-time as long as the lambda is immutable (fun).

The where condition is not considered part of the type system, but a syntax sugar to allow several function implementations depending on some condition. The alternative and equivalent syntax is to add all the if/else chain at every call but this result in not so maintanable code.

var fun_list = fun(a,b){ a+b}
fun_list ++= fun(a,b,c){ a+b+c }
fun_list ++= fun(a,b,c,d){ a+b+c+d }

assert fun_list.[size] == 3    // 3 lambda entries in fun_list

assert fun_list(1,2) == 3
assert fun_list(1,2,4) == 7
assert fun_list(1,2,4,5) == 12
assert fun_list(1,2,4,5,6) == 18 // compile error, no function with 5 args

fun_list ++= fun(a,b){ 100}
assert fun_list(1,2) == 3

fun_list = fun(a,b){ 200} ++ fun_list
assert fun_list(1,2) == 200

For untyped named argument calls:

var f1 = fun(a,b){ a+b+100 }
  f1 ++= fun(x,y){ x+y+200 }

assert f1(a=1,b=2) == 103
assert f1(x=1,y=2) == 203
assert f1(  1,  2) == 103  // first in list

For typed calls:

var fo = fun(a:int,b:string)->(_:bool)  { true    }
  fo ++= fun(a:int,b:int   )->(_:bool)  { false   }
  fo ++= fun(a:int,b:int   )->(_:string){ "hello" }

let a = fo(3,hello)
assert a == true

let b = fo(3,300)        // first in list return bool
assert b == false

let c:int = fo(3,300)    // compile error, no lambda fulfills constrains
let c:string = fo(3,300)
assert c == "hello"

For conditional argument calls:

var f1 = fun(a,b)      where a >  40 { b+100    }
      ++ fun(a,b)->(x) where x > 300 { b+200    } // output x
      ++ fun(a,b)->(a) where a >  20 { b+300    } // input a
      ++ fun(a,b)->(x) where x >  10 { b+400    } // output x
      ++ fun(a,b)                    { a+b+1000 } // default

var fun_manual = fun(a,b){  // equivalent but not as maintenable
  if a>40 {
    return b+100
  let x = b + 200
  if x>300 {
    return (x=x)
  if a>20 {
    return b+300
  let tmp = a + b
  if tmp >10 {
    return (a=tmp)
  return a+b+1000

test "check equiv" {
  for a in -100..=100 {
    for b in -100..=100 {
      assert f1(a,b) == fun_manual(a,b)

Parametric polymorphism

Add-hoc polymorphism overloads a function, and parametric polymorphism allows to parametrize types based on arguments.

let Param_type = fun(a) { return (xx:a = _) }

let x:Param_type(string) = (xx="hello")
let x:Param_type(int)    = (xx=130)

Summary polymorphism

Subtype polymorphism: A subtype provides functionality/api for another super type.

let Animal = (
  ,speak:fun(self) = _
let Cat: Animal = (
  ,speak = fun(self) { puts "meaow" }
let Bird: Animal = (
  ,speak = fun(self) { puts "pio pio" }

Parametric polymorphism: Same function works for many types

let smallest = fun(...a) {
  let x = a[0]
  for i in a[1..] {
    x = i when i < x
  return x

Ad-hoc polymorphism: capacity to overload the same lambda name with different types.

let speak = fun(a:Bird) { puts "pio pio"  } 
         ++ fun(a:Cat) { puts "meaow" }

Coercion polymorphism: Capacity to cast a type to another

let Type1 = (
  ,setter = fun(ref self, a:int) {  }
let a:Type1 = 33

Traits and mixin

There is no object inheritance in Pyrope, but tuples allow to build mixin and composition.

A mixin is when an object or class can add methods and the parent object can access them. In several languages, there are different constructs to build them (E.g: an include inside a class in Ruby). Since Pyrope tuples are not immutable, new methods can be added like in mixin.

let Say_mixin = (
  ,say = fun(s) { puts s }

let Say_hi_mixin = (
  ,say_hi  = fun() {self.say("hi {}", }
  ,say_bye = fun() {self.say("bye {}", }

let User = (
  ,name:string = _
  ,setter = proc(ref self, n:string) { = n }

let Mixing_all = Say_mixin ++ Say_hi_mixin ++ User

var a:Mixing_all="Julius Caesar"

Mixin is very expressive by allowing redefining methods. If two tuples have the same field a tuple, the concatenated operator (++) will create an entry with two or more sub-entries. This is likely an error with basic types but useful to handle explicit method overload.

In a way, the concatenate just adds methods from two tuples to create a new tuple. In programming languages with object-oriented programming (OOP), there are many keywords (virtual, final, override, static...) to constrain how methods can be updated/changed. In Pyrope, the let and var keywords can be added to any tuple field. The let makes the entry immutable when applied to a method, it behaves like a final keyword in most languages.

There are also two ways to concatenate tuples in Pyrope. t1 ++ t2 and (...t1, ...t2):

  • t1 ++ t2 concatenates each field in both tuples. A compile error is generated if t1 field is a let with a defined value, and t2 has also the same defined field.

  • (...t1, ...t2) inserts in-place, triggers a compile error if the same public field appears in both tuples and it is defined in both. private fields are privatized and hence do not trigger overload failure.

let Int1 = (
  ,var counter:int:[private] = 0
  ,add = proc(ref self, v) { self.counter += v }
  ,get = fun(self) -> (_:int) { self.counter }
  ,api_pending: proc(ref self, x:int) -> (o:string) = _

let Int2 = (
  ,var counter:int:[private] = 0
  ,accumulate = proc(ref self, v) { self.counter += v ; return self.counter }
  ,api_pending:proc(ref self, x:string) -> (o:string) = _

let Combined = (...Int1, ...Int2
  ,api_pending = proc(ref self, x:int) -> (o:string) {

It is also important to notice that when one of the tuples as an entry, it can have an undefined value (nil or 0sb?). If the entry value is undefined, neither concatenate (++) or in-place insert (...) trigger a compile error. This is quite useful for defining interfaces because the default value for a function is nil.

let Interface = (
  ,let add:fun(ref self, x) = _ // nil or undefined method
  ,let sub = fun(ref self,x ) { self.add(-x) }

Interface.add(3)                // compile error, undefined method

let My_obj = (
  ,val1:u8 = 0
  ,let add = fun(ref self, x) { self.val += x }
) ++ Interface                  // OK, but not recommended

let My_obj2 = (
  ,...Interface                 // recommended
  ,val1:u8 = 0
  ,let add = fun(ref self, x) { self.val += x }
cassert My_obj equals My_obj2   // same behavioir no defined overlap fiels

let xx:My_obj = _               // default initialization

cassert xx.val1 == 0
cassert xx.val1 == 3
cassert xx.val1 == 1

Pyrope does not directly check that all the undefined methods are implemented, but this will trigger a compile error whenever the undefined method is used. This is different from most static type languages, but a bit closer to dynamically typed languages. The difference is that the check is at compile time, but an error happens ONLY if the method is used anywhere in the instantiated project.

To build tuples that implement the functionality of other tuples, the recommended technique is to use the in-place operator. It checks that there is no defined overlap between both tuples.

An issue with in-place operator is when more than one tuple has the setter method. If the tuples are concatenated with ... and error is triggered, if the tuples are concatenated with ++ it does not check if methods overlap. Neither is the expected solution for a mixin.

The solution is to remove fields from the in-place concatenation and to explicitly create the new methods with some support method.

let exclude = fun(o,...a) {
  let new_tup = ()
  for (key,idx,e) in zip(o.keys(),o.enumerate()) {
    // create single tupe and append to preserve key and position order
    let sing_tup = ()
    sing_tup[key] = e
    new_tup ++= sing_tup unless key in o

let Shape = (
  ,name:string = _
  ,area:fun (self )->(_:i32)  = _            // undefined 
  ,increase_size:proc(ref self, x:i12) = _  // undefined 

  ,setter=proc(ref self, name ) { = name } // implemented, use =
  ,say_name=fun(self) { puts "name:{}", name }

let Circle = (

  ,setter        = proc(ref self) { Circle.setter(this, "circle") }
  ,increase_size = proc(ref self, x:i12) { self.rad *= x }
  ,rad:i32       = _
  ,area = fun(self) -> (_:i32) {
     let pi = import("math").pi
     return pi * self.rad * self.rad
):Shape  // extra check that the exclude did not remove too many fields

Row type

Pyrope has structural typing, but also allows to infer the types. The where statement can be used to implement some functionality that resembles the row type inference. The where clause is followed by a list of comma separated conditions that must evaluate true for the function to be valid.

let rotate = fun(a) where a has 'x', a has 'y' and_then a.y!=30 {
  var r = a
  r.x = a.y
  r.y = a.x
  return r

The previous rotate function is difficult to implement with a traditional structural typing.