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This is a high level description of how to use LiveHD.

Sample usage

Below are some sample usages of the LiveHD shell (lgshell). A bash prompt is indicated by $, an lgshell prompt is indicated by livehd>, and a Yosys prompt is indicated by a yosys>. Lgshell supports color output and autocompletion using the tab key.

General concepts

Currently, LiveHD can interface Verilog, FIRRTL, and Pyrope HDLs through different front-end commands. After the parsing step, the HDL source can be be transformed into LiveHD's internal intermediate representations, LNAST and LGraph, and perform mid-end optimizations based on the two IRs, and generates the optimized (or synthesized) Verilog code at the back-end.

Starting and exiting the shell

$ ./bazel-bin/main/lgshell
livehd> help
livehd> help pass.sample
livehd> exit

Verilog Compilation

The following uses Verilog as the example to demonstrate the compilations commands. It imports a Verilog file with a specified the database path, translates to the LNAST IR, lowers the LNAST IR to LGraph IR, executes some compiler optimizations, and generates the optimized Verilog code to the tmp directory. By default, a database called lgdb will be set in the livehd directory to store the internal representations, but users can optionally specify a prefered path.

livehd> inou.liveparse path:/your/path/lgdb_foo files:/your/path/bar.v |> inou.verilog |> pass.lnast_tolg |> pass.cprop |> pass.bitwidth |> inou.cgen.verilog odir:tmp

A command lgraph.match can also be used to specify a (sub)hierarchy to operate over, which can then be moved from pass to pass using the pipe (|>) operator.

When Verilog file(s) are compiled through a series of commands in lgshell, if a problem occurs while compiling Verilog files (due to a syntax error, use of un-synthesizable Verilog, or something else), the corresponding error will be printed. Once a hierarchy has been created, other lgshell commands can read, modify, or export this hierarchy freely.

Pyrope Compilation

The Pyrope compilation flow is similar to the Verilog commands except the front-end Pyrope parser pass inou.pyrope

livehd> inou.pyrope path:/your/path/lgdb_foo files:/your/path/bar.prp |> pass.lnast_tolg |> pass.cprop |> pass.bitwidth |> inou.cgen.verilog odir:tmp

Additionally, users can compile a Pyrope code with a mid-end command of pass.compiler which integrates standard compilation passes in LiveHD such as (1) pass.lnast_tolg for IR lowering, (2) pass.cprop for legacy compiler optimizations such as copy and constant propagation, peep-hole optimization, deadcode elimination, and high-level data-structure resolving (3) pass.bitwidth for circuit bitwidth optimization.

livehd> inou.pyrope path:/your/path/lgdb_foo files:/your/path/bar.prp |> pass.compiler |> inou.cgen.verilog odir:tmp

FIRRTL Compilation

LiveHD compiles FIRRTL code with the protocal buffer format. Users can reference this doc to generate the protocol buffers file from Chisel/FIRRTL compiler.

The LiveHD FIRRTL compiler uses a integrated mid-end commands as explained in the previous Pyrope example to compiles the FIRRTL HDL. Set gviz option to true to automatically generate the visiual Graphviz for individual steps. Set hier option to true for hierarchical Chisel design in most cases. Specify the top module name with the top option.

livehd> inou.firrtl.tolnast path:/your/path/lgdb_foo files:/your/path/bar.pb |> pass.compiler gviz:false top:top_module_name hier:true |> inou.cgen.verilog odir:tmp

Textual LNAST IR Dump

To display the content of the LNAST IR after parse (Pyrope as the example)

inou.pyrope files:foo.prp |> lnast.dump

Textual LGraph IR Dump

To display the content of the LGraph IR (Pyrope as the example)

inou.pyrope files:foo.prp |> pass.lnast_tolg |> lgraph.dump

LGraph serialization

To serialize the content of the LGraph IR (Pyrope as the example), default path is lgdb inou.pyrope files:foo.prp |> pass.lnast_tolg |>

LGraph deserialization

To deserialize a stored LGraph, and pass it to some lgraph passes name:foo |> pass.cprop |> pass.bitwidth |> inou.cgen.verilog odir:tmp

Graphviz LGraph IR Dump

To display the content of the LGraph IR (Pyrope after the cprop pass as the example) inou.pyrope files:foo.prp |> pass.lnast_tolg |> pass.cprop |> inou.graphviz.from

  • Print information about an existing LGraph:
    $ ./bazel-bin/main/lgshell
    livehd> inou.liveparse files:./inou/yosys/tests/trivial.v |> inou.verilog
    livehd> lgraph.match |> lgraph.stats
    livehd> lgraph.match |> lgraph.dump
    lgraph.match picks up any LGraphs matching the regex passed (or everything if no regex is provided) and treats every single one as the top of the hierarchy, whereas name:<root module> will just open the root module as the top of the hierarchy.

Running a custom pass

$ ./bazel-bin/main/lgshell
livehd> inou.pyrope files:./inou/pyrope/tests/if1.prp
livehd> lgraph.match |> <pass name>

Low level directed build

  • To compile an individual pass:
    $ bazel build -c dbg //pass/sample:pass_sample
    $ bazel build -c dbg //inou/yosys:all
  • To build a direct Yosys executable that has LiveHD embedded:
    $ bazel build -c dbg //inou/yosys:all

Parallel Compilation

LiveHD support parallel compilation, it will set the thread number to the highest available resources in your system. To manually set the compilation thread
number, for example, 1, set the following environment variable